Images of Eden Images of Eden - Only In My World

I've grown so tired from listening to the world
Tell who i should be, how i should live and what i should feel
I'm sick of all judgmental politics and hypocrites
Saying, "do what i teach you. believe what i preach to you."

No, stay out of my world

In your world there is no truth, we're force fed your lies
You wonder why your children murder and commit suicide
Take a look into young troubled eyes, lend your heart, don't build a wall
Did you ever stop to think, maybe you're the problem after all

Only in my world... eden filled with serenity
Only in my world... if i open the door and you will see

You can't take this away from me
I can dream and make believe
I know it's not reality
But it helps, coping, living in your world

All the words i hear are lies... promises broken
Give me your trust, put faith in me, rely on me... i'll give you the world
In my world of self expression, i'm the sole creator
Have no faith for he or she who gives can also take away

For all your worthless lies
For all your moral demise
You don't know how i feel inside
Stay out of my world, leave me alone

For all your plastic faith
For all your symbols of hate
For you and your world it's too late
I have my own god, go sin for your own
... and stay out of my world

Who have you really saved with your lies?
How can you really be saved... gemini?
I'm not your savior anymore
There's no more world when there are no more words